Problem2089--Monster02 - Common Raccoon vs Monster

2089: Monster02 - Common Raccoon vs Monster

[Creator : ]
Time Limit : 1.000 sec  Memory Limit : 128 MB


Problem Statement 
Raccoon is fighting against a monster. The health of the monster is H. 
Raccoon can use N kinds of special moves. Using the i-th move decreases the monster's health by Ai. 
There is no other way to decrease the monster's health. Raccoon wins when the monster's health becomes 0 or below. 
If Raccoon can win without using the same move twice or more, print Yes; otherwise, print No.

• 1≤H≤1000 000 000 
• 1≤N≤100 000 • 1≤Ai≤10 000 
• All values in input are integers. 


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format: 
H N 
A1 A2 ...... AN 


If Raccoon can win without using the same move twice or more, print Yes; otherwise, print No. 

Sample Input Copy

10 3 
4 5 6

Sample Output Copy

