First, 11 examinee with the highest math score is admitted.
Examinee 11 is tied with Examinee 33, scoring the highest 8080 points in math, and the tie is broken by the examinees' numbers, so Examinee 11 is admitted.
Then, among the examinees who are not admitted yet, 00 examinees with the highest English scores are admitted.
Obviously, it does not affect the admissions.
Then, among the examinees who are not admitted yet, 22 examinees with the highest total scores in math and English are admitted.
First, among the examinees who are not admitted yet, Examinee 55 is admitted, scoring the highest total score of 160160 points.
Next, among the examinees who are not admitted yet, Examinee 44 is tied with Examinee 66, scoring a total score of 150150 points. The tie is broken by the examinees' numbers, and Examinee 44 is admitted.
Therefore, the examinees' numbers of the admitted examinees are 11, 44, and 55. Print them in ascending order.