Problem2442--ABC270A - 1-2-4 Test

2442: ABC270A - 1-2-4 Test

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Time Limit : 1.000 sec  Memory Limit : 128 MB


Problem Statement

There was an exam consisting of three problems worth 1122, and 44 points.
Takahashi, Aoki, and Snuke took this exam. Takahashi scored AA points, and Aoki scored BB points.
Snuke solved all of the problems solved by at least one of Takahashi and Aoki, and failed to solve any of the problems solved by neither of them.
Find Snuke's score.
It can be proved that Snuke's score is uniquely determined under the Constraints of this problem.


  • 0\leq A,B \leq 70A,B7
  • AA and BB are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


Print Snuke's score as an integer.

Sample Input Copy

1 2

Sample Output Copy



Since Takahashi scored 11 point, we see that he solved only the 11-point problem and failed to solve the other two.
Similarly, since Aoki scored 22 points, we see that he solved only the 22-point problem and failed to solve the other two.

Therefore, Snuke must have solved the 11- and 22-point problems, but not the 44-point one, which Takahashi and Aoki both failed to solve, for a score of 33 points. Thus, 33 should be printed.
